Product Feature: Cold Brew

Unlock the secret of cold brew!

Carefully selected by our team through rigorous testing (not to our dismay) This cold brew single origin highlights the best flavour notes of its region – Maple Syrup- Sweet Cherry- Honey – Milk Chocolate. Best enjoyed ice cold. 

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Why Cold Brew?

Cold brew is a traditional and simple way of brewing coffee. It unlocks a completely different flavour profile and is a great alternative to espresso coffee. Brewed over 48 hours and packaged in cans for convenience, this cold brew is perfect for those days at the beach, on a hike or even at the office.


Customer Review:

"I’ve always enjoyed trying cold brew coffee from different places and Little Italy’s is the smoothest yet. Not a hint of bitterness and yet full of flavour, with the rich and velvety experience you would expect from traditionally brewed espresso but with the refreshing, playful character only cold brew can have. A real summer delight that gives me the coffee boost I crave and the refreshing break I need. Highly recommended." - Andy Canestrari-Soh


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