Our Favourite Brewing Methods
- Ground coffee - slightly coarser than espresso (#4)
- Filtered Water
- Fill bottom chamber of water to slightly below valve.
- Place the funnel into the bottom chamber and fill with ground coffee.
- Gently tamp ground to level (the more you pack the basket the stronger the coffee will be.)
- Screw the top on firmly
- Place on a medium-low heat for a slow consistent brew
- When the liquid starts to foam (see photo), turn off stove and enjoy!
- 15g of ground coffee (#5)
- 250ml of hot water (preferably filtered) at 90-94 degrees Celsius
- V60 paper filter
- Place the paper filter into the V60, which should be sitting on top of your drinking cup
- Saturate filter with water and drain excess
- Place the ground coffee into the filter evenly.
- Starting in the middle, pour hot water over the coffee, working your way outwards in a circular motion
- Allow to bloom for up to 1 min
- Then pour rest of the water in.
- Enjoy!
French Press
- French press
- 1g of coffee (coarse grind - #9) per 18ml of hot filtered water (92-96 degrees). For example, in an 8 cup (1L) French press, this equates to about 56g of coffee to 1L of water.
- Pour hot water into French press to preheat and rinse the chamber. Discard water.
- Add pre-weighed coffee grounds into the French press.
- Gently pour hot water over coffee, trying to saturate all coffee ground
- Stir thoroughly and place lid on top (do not plunge yet). Allow the coffee to brew for up to 4 minutes
- Press the plunger down gently and enjoy!
- 70g of ground coffee, medium to coarse (#8)
- 640ml of water (preferably filtered)
- Ice (rough estimate – handful)
- Put the water and ice in the top beaker with the valve. (Make sure the valve is closed.)
- Place the stone / ceramic filter into the base of the middle chamber (closest to the spout)
- Place coffee in middle chamber (sift and level coffee)
- Wet paper filter and place on top of coffee
- Once everything is set up and open the valve on the top beaker for 1 drop every 1.5 seconds
- Wait patiently (8-12 hours depending on volume) and enjoy!
AEROPRESS (Inverted version)
- 35g of ground coffee (#5)
- 310ml of hot water (preferably filtered) at 84 degrees Celsius
- Aeropress paper filter
- Remove plunger from funnel
- Place damp filter into black cap and twist cap onto the chamber
- Place the chamber on top of your cup
- Fill chamber with coffee grounds and level
- Pour 150ml of hot water evenly over the coffee in the chamber and stir
- Allow the coffee to bloom (bubble) for approximately 1 minute.
- Slowly press down on Aeropress, extracting coffee into the cup.
- Top up with remaining 160ml of hot water and enjoy!
- 25g/45g ground coffee ( ground slightly coarser than paper filter (#6), if metal filter used then (#7)
- 450ml / 850ml filtered water
- 50ml for wetting the paper filter
- 400ml / 800ml for the coffee
- Paper filter (preferably thick paper filter) or metal filter
- Fold the paper filter and place it into the Chemex with the thicker part towards the spout. (If using metal filter just place it into the Chemex.)
- Heat the water in a kettle or on the stove, roughly 92-96 degrees C.
- Pour the 50ml of hot water on the paper filter, let it drip through and discard the water.
- Add ground coffee into the paper filter - evenly spread out.
- Pour the water on the coffee in a circular motion, making sure all the coffee is covered with water and allow to bloom (this allows the gasses and flavours to release from the coffee).
- Gently pour the rest of the water slowly over your coffee.
- Enjoy!